During these times, BatteryUpsForLess has been working hard to prepare and stock our inventory to
meet the needs of our customers. Our team has been working tirelessly to continue to source new
batteries and maintain a high level of production to support the growing needs of IT infrastructure and a
remote workforce.
We understand it may be difficult to find the batteries or UPS in stock that you may need during this
time but rest assured BatteryUpsForLess is fully stocked on batteries and we have secured inventory to
support your needs for the next 2-3 months.
The rapid transition to a remote workforce in the face of COVID-19, has made the unattended operation
of network infrastructure a necessity. MDF and IDF closets on your Edge will not be looked after on a
regular basis making the need for reliable, uninterrupted power now more critical than ever before.
Make sure your UPS has fresh batteries and that the units themselves are not displaying errors and have
been properly maintained. An unexpected outage, while never ideal, is now going to be much harder
and take longer to rectify. Click on the Flag who represent your location to access
Batteryupsforless Shop
It will display products prices using your currency